Beterra’s SafeCulture Platform expands to its 8th Country – India!

Beterra in IndiaBeterra is excited to announce a new partnership with the Indian Patient Safety Organization (IPSO) based in Bangalore, India. IPSO has a strong reputation for bringing patient safety best practices, education, and awareness to the Indian healthcare system. The purpose of this partnership is to explore perceptions of patient safety culture across 10 organizations using Beterra’s SafeCulture platform, a comprehensive solution for measuring and improving patient safety culture by engaging leaders and caregivers throughout the organization with clear, actionable data. We look forward to working with these organizations to make use of the most valuable data regarding patient safety – their staff’s perspectives.

During our kickoff in Bangalore last month, it was clear that although the Indian healthcare system is significantly different than our system in the United States, the same challenges to patient safety exist. At the base of the problem, we are all imperfect people working in imperfect systems to deliver safe and reliable care. We are grateful for the chance to work with Dr. Sanjay Saproo and his team at IPSO to ensure that the joint solutions we provide to Indian hospitals are effective and sustainable. There is no question that the Beterra team will learn an incredible amount in the coming months.

India marks the 8th country where SafeCulture is being used to measure and analyze perceptions of patient safety culture. Although Beterra is primarily focused on the U.S. healthcare system, our vision is a “world where health and care are better than they are today.” To have impact across more cultures and communities, Beterra will continue to partner with outstanding patient safety thought leaders like IPSO.

Every nation’s healthcare system has a long way to go in delivering safe and reliable care. Beterra is grateful to be part of the large community of change agents working on this difficult challenge.

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