White Paper

Transform Patient Safety and Workforce Resilience in US Retail Pharmacies Through a Culture of Safety

The United States retail pharmacy sector is integral to the healthcare system, bridging the gap between medical professionals and patients while dispensing over 4.5 billion prescriptions annually. However, patient and staff safety in retail pharmacies has become a growing concern recently. Several factors, including high workloads, understaffing, and increasing complexity of medications, have contributed to increased medication errors and other safety incidents. With the increasing demands on retail pharmacy teams, such as heightened prescription volumes, complex medication regimens, and the growing prevalence of medication-related issues, patient safety has become a primary concern for customers, employees, and the media. Urgent safety and staff support interventions are needed to address these interconnected issues and foster a safer and healthier environment within
retail pharmacy settings.

This white paper delves into the current state, identifying core issues, examining market responses, and offering insights into using safety culture to enhance patient safety and workforce resilience.